Thursday, January 13, 2011


New Year, New Life!!

As new year comes, we should be dead and reincarnate for our new life. But it's not. It couldn't be because we only have one life and we could not have a rebirth to have another life again.

New Life in New Year does not mean you might have another life again. It means change and improvement. Change the bad doings and bad attitudes that you own in the previews year. Try your best to change and avoid the mistakes you have done in the past. Also make some improvements on you. Strive harder to gain greater experiences. Make yourself better and do the best toy can.

In this New Year, we should not be contented of what we have and of what we are, try to improve more and be the best. Just face those challenges that are waiting some where out there. It's New Year, so it's a New Life!!